Our Platforms
Platform Description
The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IOT) is changing the way the business consumer aspects of the world. There is a growing trend for the drop of price for IOT components and this will allow students and IoT enthusiasts to innovate new design and products from their garages. The Raspberry Pi is a small affordable single- board computer that we will use to design and develop practical IOT devices.
What you Learn
- Setup Raspberry Pi
- Python Programming
- Raspberry Pi GPIO
- Interfacing Sensors with your Pi
- Graphics User Interface
Platform Description
The BeagleBone is a linux development platform having 1 GHz processors, 512 MB of RAM, 2 GB of on-board flash storage with a micro-SD expansion slot for additional storage; two 46 GPIO pin headers; PWM, ADC, SPI, and I2C capabilities; as well as, HDMI output, Ethernet. Learning how to use the BeagleBone is very useful for makers, DIY hobbyists and IoT enthusiasts as it gives them the ability to quickly demonstrate their Innovative ideas practically using already existing, cheap and easily tuned components.
What you Learn
- Setup Beagle Bone
- Python and C Programming
- BeagleBone GPIO
- Graphics User Interface
Platform Description
Microcontrollers power everything from your thermostat to your kid's RC car. Arduino, the family of open-source single-board microcontrollers, puts that power in the consumer's hands, allowing serious programmers and hobbyists alike to program their own interactive objects. Learn to start programming your own projects with Arduino.
What you Learn
- Installing Arduino software on Mac and Windows
- Understanding circuit diagrams
- Using a solderless breadboard
- Writing your first project for the Arduino
- Driving with the Arduino Robot
Platform Description
Learn everything you need to know to get started building Android apps with Google's Android Studio and Android SDK for the Internet of Things(IoT).
What you Learn
- Installing and configuring Android Studio
- Working with project files such as the app manifest and Gradle scripts
- Defining the user interface and Modifying material design themes and styles
- Working with data for IoT Implementations
Platform Description
Learn to buid your own creative web apps as user interface to monitor and control the IoT devices from cloud and also learn how the database system works for IoT.
What you Learn
- Learn about basic things data formats like XML,JSON.
- Learn How to Store things data in database
- Interfacing data with GUI
- Deploy your web app in Cloud.